U.S Marshals put $5K bounty on man who claimed he owned half of Facebook:
U.S Marshals area unit giving a $5,000 reward for data on a person WHO incorrectly claimed to have five hundredth of Facebook.
Paul Ceglia, WHO was out of jail on bail awaiting trial on fraud charges, disappeared last month once separating AN gliding joint watching bracelet, and fleeing his home. Federal marshals area unit seeking data that might cause Ceglia's arrest, consistent with Buffalo-based TV station WGRZ.
A federal decide ordered Facebook and chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg to show over documents associated with the case on Friday, despite their lawyers' request that the order be suspended till Ceglia's capture.
The current charges against Ceglia stem from AN earlier multibillion-dollar causa within which he alleged Zuckerberg had in agreement to convey him a five hundredth stake in Facebook in exchange for his $1,000 investment in 2003 once the chief executive officer was still a Harvard freshman.
According to Zuckerberg, he signed a contract to try to to some code work for Ceglia at the time, though it absolutely was unrelated to Facebook. The chief executive officer aforesaid he not nonetheless developed the thought for his social network.
Ceglia's case was later thrown out by a decide in 2010 once AN investigation disclosed he had falsified documents and emails employed in the suit. Prosecutors later filed criminal charges against Ceglia in 2012 for tried fraud.
Last month, Ceglia bring to a halt the gliding joint watching bracelet he had been ordered to wear, and adorned it from a do-it-yourself motorized device that was accustomed trick authorities into thinking he was still carrying it. His $250,000 bail was revoked once officers created the invention. Ceglia's mate and 2 sons were additionally reportable missing round the same time he disappeared, though it's unclear whether or not the family of 4 area unit presently along.
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