Tuesday 31 March 2015

Top 5 Most Dangerous Terrorist groups

Top 5 Most Dangerous Terrorist groups:

5. Boko Haram

This Nigerian terror group was notorious for its acts of barbarism but it became a very serious threat after the abduction of over 250 Nigerian schoolgirls, which led the most powerful of world leaders take notice of its brutality. Boko Haram, which translates to ‘Western education is sin’ in English, continues to operate without much resistance because of the failure of Nigerian government in tackling socio-economic issues in the region of its operation.
Terrorist Groups

4. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan

Located in the federally administered tribal areas along the Pakistan-Afghan border, this terrorist organization comprises several Islamist militant groups. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (also called the Pakistani Taliban), was established in December 2007 by Baitullah Mehsud, a notorious Pakistani militant who died on August 23, 2009. Pakistani Taliban, however, targets elements of Pakistani state, but according to several intelligence agencies, top cities of the United States are conceived as its main target. It rewrote a chapter on cowardice by attacking a school in Peshawar, killing children as young as nine.
Pakistani terrorists

3. Taliban

Derived from the Pashto word for “students”, Taliban is well-known for being one of the few militant organisations to have been in charge of a country – Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. Founded by Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban took Afghanistan back into the middle ages with their strict imposition of Sharia and Islamic laws. It received active support of the Al-Qaeda, and was overthrown in the US-led invasion of Afghanistan.
Terrorist Groups

2. Al-Qaeda

The biggest “brand name” among all terrorist groups in the world, this extremist Islamic group was established in 1989 by Osama Bin Laden. Under his leadership, the Al-Qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks on US, which led to the Afghan war culminating with the death of bin Laden in May 2012. Now headed by Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Al-Qaeda is notorious for its integrated network and powerful strategies. Al-Qaeda constitutes thousands of individuals who have accomplished proper military training.
Terrorist Groups

1. Islamic State

Al Qaeda is a brand name, but Islamic State is the devil itself. Officially known as ISIL or ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant/Syria), the Islamic State controls northern parts of Iraq and the Western parts of Syria, within which it has formed its own government. Founded by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State has carried out acts of barbarism so brutal that even the Al Qaeda had to condemn it. The IS constitutes of fighters from all over the world, with British Muslims the highest from any Western nation. The group is known for organising slave markets, where they trade off captured women of their enemies, particularly of the Yazidi sect, and killing of children.
Islamic State


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