Friday 13 March 2015

10 Tips (of unlimited tips) to Earning Rewards from Allah

10 Tips (Of Unlimited Tips) to Earning Rewards from Allah:

1- Avoid Things that God has prohibited, together with the good sins further as frequently performing arts the lesser sins, and perform what God orders North American nation to perform: The prophet peace be upon him same: "Allah has recorded the great deeds and therefore the evil deeds. Then he created them clear: He WHO has supposed an honest deed and doesn't bed, God writes it down with Him as a performed sensible deed; however if he intends it and will perform it; God records for him from 10 sensible deeds to seven hundred times that or over that. If he intends to try to tod do} an evil deed and doesn't bed, then God writes it down as an honest deed; however if he intends Associate in Nursing evil deed and performs it, God records it jointly evil deed" (Sahih Al-Jami)

2- Reciting the Book and brooding over it`s meanings: The Prophet peace be upon him same, "Whoever recites one word from the Book of God are rewarded for an honest deed and 10 additional like it; and that i don`t say that Alif Lam Mim could be a word however Alif could be a word and Lam could be a word and Mim could be a word" (Alif Lam Mim is three Arabic Characters.)

3- Guiding individuals to righteous deeds: The prophet peace be upon him same, "Whoever guides one to an honest factor can get constant reward because the one that performs the deed"& (Sahih Al-Jami)

4- injunction sensible and eradicating evil: God disclosed within the Book, the kids of Israel WHO went wide were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Deliverer, son of mother. That was as a result of they rebelled and wont to transgress. They restrained not each other from the wickedness they did. Verily, evil was that they wont to do} (Al-Maida:78)
This is one among the obligatory duties that several individuals fail to perform these days. as a result of this reason, sins ar being committed overtly and while not shame and nobody is locution something concerning them. The prophet peace be upon him same, "If the individuals see Associate in Nursing evil deed and that they don't amendment it, then God could visit all with a punishment". God says within the Quran: "And the believers, men and ladies, ar protective friends of 1 another, they enjoin the correct and forbid the incorrect .. "

5- Supplications to Allah: It`s the most effective act of worship because the Prophet peace be upon him same, "The most virtuous act of worship is supplication" (Sahih Al-Jami). It`s vital to be sure that God can answer your supplication, the Prophet peace be upon him said: "There isn't any Muslim on this earth WHO supplicates to God except that God can provide him what he asked or He can take away some evil from him, as long as he doesn't supplicate for one thing evil or as long as he doesn't supplicate for cutting of the ties of kinship and as long as he doesn't become impatient and say, `I supplicated and supplicated and that i wasn't responded to`"

6- Marrying non secular women: The prophet peace be upon him same, "A lady is married for her faith, wealth or beauty; marry the non secular girls and you'll prosper". He conjointly same, "A grateful  heart, a tongue that remembers God and a pious woman that helps you in your worldly and non secular matters, is best than what the individuals ar amassing" (Sahih Al-Jami)

7- mentioning pious kids and coaching them to possess sensible Moslem character: The prophet peace be upon him same, "A man are raised some degrees in Paradise and he can say, `For what reason am I receiving this ?` He are told, `Because of your son asking forgiveness for you`"

8- Having courtesy and character: The prophet peace be upon him same, "The most beloved of you to ME and therefore the nighest of you to ME within the Hereafter {are|ar|area unit|square MEasure} those of you WHO have the most effective manners; the foremost despised of you to ME and farthest from me within the Hereafter ar those of you WHO have the worst manners, those that speak and don't even care concerning what they're saying" (Sahih Al-Jami), and he conjointly same, "The person of fine manners can get constant reward because the one that prays throughout the night and fasts throughout the day" (Sahih Al-Jami).

9- performing arts several voluntary prayers: this can be significantly useful throughout the last third of the night within which the gates of the heavens ar opened and therefore the supplications ar older. The prophet peace be upon him said, "Allah waits till one [*fr1] or common fraction of the night has passed and He says, `My slaves, shall raise from nobody except ME. Whoever asks from ME, I shall answer him. Whoever asks ME for one thing, i'll provides it to him. Whoever asks for my forgiveness, I shall forgive him. And this continues till the dawn" (Sahih Al-Jami). Similarly, performing arts the Sunnan prayers, is additionally the way of gaining Allah`s pleasure and reward. These Sunnan prayers ar 2 rakats before the dawn obligatory prayer, four before the hour obligatory prayer and 4 once it, 2 once the sunset prayer and& 2 once the night prayer and therefore the witr prayer.

10- Being Y2K compliant and respectful to one's parents: this can be one among the best ways that to achieve Allah's pleasure and reward. God mentions attend Him beside obeying one's folks. God says within the Book, "Your Lord has ordained that you just worship none save Him, which you show kindness to folks. If one among them or each of them attain to adulthood with you, say not `File` unto them nor repulse them, however speak unto them a gracious word. And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy and say, `My Lord, have MErcy on them each as they did look after me once I was little`" (Al-Isra)


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