Tuesday 10 March 2015

What is Islam??

What is Islam:

(A) faith OF UNITY
(1) Unity of God
Islam teaches the purest variety of theism and regards theism because the deadliest sin. A Muslim addresses GOD by His Personal Name: God --- the word "god" and its equivalents in alternative languages being unstable within the matter of connotation. Allah, in line with Islam, is that the One God, World Health Organization is inseparable head to head and World Health Organization has no partner: mate, son or female offspring. he's the unmatchable and "naught is as His likeness". "He begetteth not, nor was He begotten". he's the primary, the Last, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Almighty, the all-knowing, the ubiquitous. he's the Creator, the Nourisher, the Cherisher of all things. he's the All-just, the retaliator of the wrongs done to the weak and also the laden, the Compassionate, the Merciful and doting, the Guide, the Friend, the impressive, the wonderful, the gorgeous and also the True. In short, he's the human of all Excellence.
Speaking of the conception of God in Islam, Gibbon, the notable western scholar, says: "The Creed of Hazrat Muhammad is free from the suspicion of Ambiguity and also the Qur’an could be a wonderful testimony to the unity of God. The Prophet of Mecca rejected the worship of idols and men, of stars and planets, on the rational principle that no matter is dishonest should decay and go, that no matter is born should die, that no matter rises should set. within the Author of the universe his rational enthusiasm confessed associated loved an infinite and Eternal Being, while not kind or place, while not issue or similitude, gift to our secret thoughts, existing by the requirement of His own nature, and etymologizing from Himself all ethical and intellectual perfections. These elegant truths …are outlined with metaphysical exactness by the interpreters of the Qur’an. A philosophic theist may buy the popular creed of the Muhammadans."
(2) Unity of the Universe
From the Unity of the Creator, in line with Islam, issue the Unity of the Universe, i.e., Unity of Creation and Unity of Purpose. In alternative words, the Cosmos could be a ethical Order.
(3) Unity of man
Islam regards the complete of man as associate "organic unity" --- one family, and unquestionably says that the distinctions on the mundane plane, the distinctions, namely, of race, colour, language or territory, cannot kind the bottom for claims of superiority of 1 cluster over the opposite. the sole distinction that has "value" is that that arises at the ethical and non secular planes – specifically, the excellence of "taqwa", or, "piety and righteousness".Prof. H.A.R. Gibb, the notable English critic of Islam says, "…..Islam…..possesses an impressive tradition of inter-racial understanding and co-operation. No alternative society has such a record of success in uniting in associate equality of standing, of chance and of endeavour such a big amount of then varied races of mankind… If ever the opposition of the good societies of East is to get replaced by co-operation, the mediation of Islam is an important condition." (Whither Islam? p.379).
(4) Unity of faith
According to Islam, the human intellect, although a good and powerful quality, has its natural limits, and, therefore, neither the normative nor the empirical sciences ar capable of leading humanity to a positive data of final truths and also the code of life based mostly upon them. the sole supply of positive data hospitable humanity is, consequently, cognitive factor, which course has been really open ever since the beginnings of human life on earth. God raised His "Prophets" and "Messengers" and unconcealed His steerage to them for transmission to humanity. coming back from a similar supply, all unconcealed religions have, therefore, been one, i.e., ISLAM.
Allah's Prophets and Messengers continued  to return to each country and community to figure in their individual restricted fields. Time once time, the unconcealed steerage was either lost or corrupted through human interpolation, and new Prophets with contemporary Dispensations were sent, and humanity continued  to advance from infancy to maturity. At last, once the stage of maturity was reached – once humanity was much to become one family --- rather than sectional steerage, a perfect, final and enduring Revelation, self-addressed to entire man and for all time, was granted within the seventh century of the epoch. That Revelation, that recapitulates all former Revelations and so sets a seal on the Unity of faith, is ISLAM; the Scripture that enshrines it's the HOLY QUR’AN; and also the Prophet World Health Organization brought it's the Leader of Humanity, Hazrat Muhammad (Allah bless him!).Thus all the Prophets of God, from Adam all the way down to Hazrat patriarch, Hazrat Abraham, Hazrat Moses and Hazrat Israelite (peace be upon them all), ar the Prophets of a Muslim the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him!) being the Last and Final one, and every one the Divine Scriptures ar the Scriptures of a Muslim, although he follows solely the Holy Qur’an as a result of it alone exists in its original purity and it alone contains the faith of Islam that has been followed by all rightly-guided individuals since the day the primary creature came into existence.
(5) Unity of Sexes
Differentiation of functions have misled sure cultures of the planet to take girl as a being World Health Organization belongs, so to say, to a special and inferior species: and to fulfill resolute her abuse consequently. Islam unquestionably repudiates that notion and teaches that each man and girl have sprung from a similar essence and also the same supply and consequently possess a similar human standing. Their functions and interests, rather than being antagonistic, ar meant to be mplementary. The natural relation between the sexes, all told its aspects, is thus, that of affection and harmony, while not that no true human progress may be doable.
(6) Unity of categories
Islam aims at the creation of a egalitarian society by eliminating all doable social conflicts (through revolving the various interests).
In the sphere of economic science, Islam lays down the principle that wealth shouldn't be allowed to flow into among the rich solely, and envisages, through its laws and establishments, a "Cooperative Common-wealth of Talents".
In the domain, Islam stands for the "Cooperative Commonwealth of the Pursuers of Righteousness".
Taken as a full, the Islamic state could be a "welfare state" wherever sovereignty belongs to God alone and no creature includes a right to control alternative mortals except within the name of God and in line with His can, and wherever no one, not even the top of the State, is higher than the law. Absolute Justice is that the watchword and also the institution of morality is that the goal.
The deserves of Islam’s social ethics have induced praise even from the otherwise hostile critics. as an example:H.G. Wells says: "Islam created a society additional free from widespread cruelty and social oppression than any society that had ever been within the world before" (Outline of History, p.325).
H.A.R. Gibb says: "Within the Western world Islam still maintains the balance between exaggerated opposities. Opposed equally to the disorder of European nationalism and also the imposition of Russian communism, it's not nonetheless succumbed thereto obsession with the economic aspect of life that is characteristic of current Russia alike." (Whither Islam? p.378).
Prof. Joe Louis Massignon says: "Islam has the benefit of standing for a awfully moralist conception… It occupies associate intermediate position between the doctrines of bourgeois free enterprise and Bolshevist communism." (Whither Islam? p.378).
(7) Unity of act
Islam conceives of the human temperament as a "unity" and consequently regards the excellence of "secular" and "religious" as unscientific , irrational and absurd. The lifetime of a Muslim, each in its individual and social manifestation, could be a life lived for God and God alone.
"Islam," says Dudley Wright, scholar of Comparative faith, "is no mere creed; it's a life to be lived. within the Qur’an is also found directions for what ar generally termed the minor details of way of life, however that aren't minor once it's thought of that life has got to be lived for God. The Muslim lives for God alone. The aim of the Muslim is to become God-bound, and to endeavour to advance the data of God all told his undertakings. From the cradle to the grave truth Muslim lives for God and God alone."
The word "Islam" suggests that "submission" and, as a non secular term, it connotes "submission to the Divine can and Commands". As such, ISLAM is co-extensive with NATURE. For, everything in Nature submits to the Divine can while not demur. the sole exception is man. He has got to select "Islam" through his power and so to achieve his destiny by falling in line with the remainder of God’s Creation.
Goethe, the famous poet-philosopher of Germany, says:"Naerrisch, dass jeder in seinem Falle Seine besomdere Meinung priest! Whenn Islam Gott ergeben heisst, Im Islam leben und sterben wir alle" viz:"It is lack of understanding that everybody praises own special opinion;(for) Islam suggests that submission to God and in Islam we have a tendency to all live and die."
(C) faith OF NATURE
The higher than statement brings out, and also the Holy Qur’an emphasises in clear terms, that to be a Muslim is to measure and grow in accordance with true attribute and harmonical with the character around. Islam, thus, suggests that conformity to the construct.
The ideas of Submission to the Divine can and Conformity to the construct, once actively completed in human life, make to the healthiest variety of ISCIPLINE and Islam is that the faith of Discipline par excellence.
In his notable book; 1st and Last Things, H.G. Wells says:
"The aggression, discipline and submission of Muhammadanism makes, I think,… fine and honourable faith for men. Its spirit, if not its formulae is profusely gift in our present... I even have little doubt that in devotion to a virile… supernatural being and to the service of His Empire of stern Law and Order, expeditiously upheld, men have found and can notice salvation."The German specialiser Friedrich Delitzsch admits that the Muslim shows "owing to his non secular surrender to the need of God associate exemplary patience below misfortune associated he bears up below calamitous accidents with an admirable strength of mind." (Die Welt des Islam, p.28).
The construct of "Truth" forms the keynote of Islamic ideology and pervades the complete universal order given by Islam. Not solely is "truthfulness" a elementary worth within the elaborate Islamic ethical Code – a price that forms the foundation-stone of Muslim character, however God Himself has been mentioned within the Holy Qur’an as "The Truth", or "the True", the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!) because the "Bearer of Truth", the Qur’an itself as "the Truth", and also the abode of the righteous once death because the "Seat of Truth".
Islam is that the faith of Purity and Temperance par excellence. It stresses purity not solely of the mind and also the heart, that sure alternative religions conjointly stress, however conjointly of the body, its basic principle being the harmonious development of human temperament. Consequently; it strictly prohibits the utilization of all drinks and foods which could be unhealthy and injurious to the body, or the mind or each. so its preventative injunctions cowl not solely all the intoxicants, e.g., wine, opium, etc., however conjointly those foods that ar harmful to healthy human growth. Ultimately, Islamic Temperance covers all evil thoughts, feelings and deeds.
Unlike sure religions, Islam isn't the faith of contempt for the planet, of the negation of any elementary worth. it's completely and positively a faith of fulfilment – fulfilment of all the colleges and positive capabilities with that God has invested man. Aesthetic culture, therefore, forms a part of Islamic life – in fact, ruled and controlled by Islam’s ethical and non secular principles. In Islam the construct of "Beauty" permeates the complete act – negative, the complete cosmic order, "Allah," says the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be with him!), "is stunning and loves what's stunning." Beauty in thought, words and deed, and wonder all told activity is that the Islamic ideal.Islam permits the creation of Art, at intervals the constraints of its non secular and ethical framework. however its saying isn't "Art for the sake of Art" however "Art for the sake of Life", whereby alone a real mixing of non secular, ethical and physical beauty – the rational and harmonious goal of human life – is realizable.
(H) faith OF REASON
Islam regards Reason as man’s distinctive privilege and God’s noble gift, and also the Holy Qur’an has repeatedly exhorted man to use Reason within the matters of social and natural phenomena and in understanding its Message and active its steerage, so giving to "personal judgment," its due place within the lifetime of a Muslim."Intellectual Culture" normally, forms one amongst of} the noblest pursuits of human life in Islam and also the acquisition and cultivation of data has been created obligatory upon every Muslim man and girl.
(I) faith OF THE NEGATION OF superstitious notion
Islam could be a completely rational faith and stands against the mystery cults and religions of mysterious dogmas whose acceptance is mostly claimed on the premise of blind religion.
Speaking of the negation of superstitious notion and also the affirmation of Reason in Islam, Godfrey Higgins says: "No relic, no image, no picture, no mother of God disgrace his (Hazrat Muhammad’s) faith. No such doctrines because the effectualness of religion while not works, or that of a death-bed penitence, comprehensive indulgences, absolution or auricular confession, operate 1st to corrupt, then to deliver up his followers into the ability of a community, which might in fact be invariably additional corrupt and additional degraded than themselves. No indeed! The adoration of 1 God, while not mother, or mystery, or counterfeit  miracle, and also the acknowledgement that he, a man, was sent to evangelise the duty of providing adoration to the Creator alone, set up the straightforward belief a part of the faith of the Unitarian of peninsula." (Apology for Hazrat Muhammad).
(J) faith OF ACTION
Islam stands in sharp distinction with those religions that interpret the Salvation of man in terms of the acceptance of sure tangled and insoluble formulae. Simplicity is its watch-word and rationality its lifeblood, and intrinsically it offers to each "Faith" and "Action" their due place. where the Holy Qur’an mentions the matter of human salvation, it bases it on "right belief" additionally as "righteous action", accenting the previous because the ground and also the latter because the sequence.
Islamic life could be a lifetime of the attainment of "Falah" which suggests, "The furrowing out of latent faculties". A Muslim, therefore, has got to unceasingly try for progress…. a progress controlled by morality and illumined by cognitive factor, a progress grounded in spirituality, a progress balanced and comprehending all aspects of human life: non secular, mental, moral, aesthetic and physical.Paying tribute to the balanced character of Islam and also the progress that it evokes, the notable specialiser academic. H. A. R. Gibb says:"Within the Western world, Islam still maintains the balance between exaggerated opposites...For the fullest development of its cultural life, notably of its non secular life, Europe cannot do while not the forces and capacities that lie at intervals Islamic society." (Whither Islam? p.378).
While alternative religions could feel back of science Islam has created the scientific quest a non secular obligation. The aims of that quest, however, aren't the unbalanced indulgence in physical pleasures and also the tyrannisation over fellowbeings, however the advancement within the love of God through progress within the data of His works and also the service of humanity through the acquisition of management over the "forces of nature".
Speaking of the role of Islam because the inaugurator of the trendy scientific era, Briffault, the putative scholar of the history of civilisation, says:…although there's not one side of European growth during which the decisive influence of Islamic culture isn't traceable, obscurity is it therefore clear and big as within the genesis of that power that constitutes the permanent distinctive force of the trendy world and also the supreme supply of its ending – scientific discipline and also the scientific spirit … The debt of our science thereto of the Arabs doesn't consist in surprising discoveries of revolutionary theories; science owes a good deal additional to Arab culture, it owes its existence. the traditional world was, as we saw, pre-scientific. The physics and arithmetic of the Greeks were a distant importation ne'er completely acclimatised in Greek culture. The Greeks systematized, generalised and theorised; however the patient ways that of investigation, the buildup of positive data, the minute ways of science, elaborate and prolonged observation and experimental inquiry were altogether alien to Greek temperament... What we have a tendency to decision science arose in Europe because the results of a replacement spirit of inquiry, of latest ways of investigation, of the tactic of experiment, observation, activity, of the event of arithmetic during a kind unknown to the Greeks. That spirit and people ways were introduced into the eu world by the Arabs… Neither Bacon nor his later person has any title to be attributable with having introduced the scientific method. Bacon was no quite one in every of the apostles of Muslim science and methodology to Christian Europe; and he was ne'er tired of declaring that data of Arabic and Arab Science was for his contemporaries the sole thanks to true data. Discussions on World Health Organization was the conceiver of the experimental method…are a part of the stupendous falsehood of the origins of European civilisation. The scientific method of the Arabs was by Bacon’s time widespread and thirstily cultivated throughout Europe … Science is that the most big contribution of Arab civilisation to the trendy world….. it absolutely was not science solely that brought Europe back to life. alternative and manifold influences from the civilisation of Islam communicated its 1st glow to European life. "(Making of Humanity, pp 190-202).H.G. Wells, another nice Western authority, had to admit that: "Through the Arabs it absolutely was, and not by the Latin route, that the trendy world received that gift of sunshine and power (i.e., the Scientific Method)."
Because of its ingrained hostility to Islam, established  throughout the center Ages, the West has been terribly slow in acknowledging the deserves of Islam. Admissions and confessions have, however, been step by step coming back forth grudgingly or ungrudgingly. Thus, as we've seen higher than, it's been admitted that the Muslims gave to the West the methodology additionally because the scientific inspiration. however the Muslims themselves received them from the Holy Qur’an. This reality has conjointly been admitted eventually. as an example, Stanislas Guyard observes: "In the seventh century of our era, the recent World was in agony. The Arabian conquest infused into it new blood … Hazrat Muhammad gave them (the Arabs) the Qur’an, that was the place to begin of latest culture. " (Encyclopedia des Sciences Religieuses, Tome IX,p. 501). difficult the adversaries of Islam and concerning the Holy Qur’an, Dr. A Bertherand says: "Let them browse and meditate on this nice Book: they'll notice in it, at each passage, constant attack on idolatry and materialism; they'll browse that the Prophet endlessly referred to as the eye and also the mediation of his individuals to the sumptuous marvels, to the mysterious phenomena of creation… people who have followed its counsels are, as we've represented within the course of this study, the creators of a civilisation that is astounding to the current day." (Contribution des Arabs auprogres des Sciences Medicales, p. 6).Emmanuel Deutsch oberves: "By the help of the Qur’an the Arabs…came to Europe to carry up the sunshine to humanity, they alone, whereas darkness lay around,…to teach philosophy, medicine, physics and also the golden art of song to the West on the East, to square at the cradle of recent science, and to cause USA late epigoni for ever to express feelings over the day once metropolis fell."
(M) faith OF THE quality OF LABOUR
In Islam, all honest labour is sacred and forms the life-blood of human progress. "For man is naught however what he strives for," says the Holy Qur’an, and "the workman is that the beloved of God," says the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!). so "idleness" could be a sin and "industry" could be a virtue in Islam.
(N) faith OF the very best IDEALISM IN ETHICS
Islam lays the inspiration of ethics on "submission to the Divine will" and provides to humanity the moral ideal of imitating the Divine Attributes, when we've been exhorted by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!) World Health Organization says: "Imbue yourselves with Divine Attributes."
"The highest variety of non secular ethic," observes Sir Richard Gregory, "is that during which the aim of conduct is complete and implicit obedience to what's planned to be the need of God …(this obedience) could become a joyous and spontaneous acceptance of a mode of life, like it's planned would be consonant with the character of God, subject to such limitations of the flesh as ar lasting – the best of good. thence arises the will for uprightness as end-in-itself; either with a read to reward, if not during this world, within the next, or pursued altruistically for its own sake. this idea of spiritual ethic has light-emitting diode to the very best idealism in human conduct." (Religion in Science and Civilisation, p. 63).
The world "Salam", which suggests "peace", has shut root-affinity with the word "Islam". so the construct of PEACE forms associate integral a part of the planet ISLAM itself. Indeed, this idea permeates the Islamic faith through and thru. For, God, in line with the Holy Qur’an, is As-Salam, i.e. (the supply of) peace"; a Muslim’s Salutation, that embodies the best of Muslim life, is As-Salam-o -alaikum, i.e., "Peace be unto you"; and also the abode of the righteous, towards that the Holy Qur’an invitations humanity, is Dar-us-Salam, i.e., "the Abode of Peace".One of the ideals of Muslim life, therefore, is that the attainment of peace on all fronts --- peace with self through harmonious fulfilment, peace with fellow creatures through the upkeep of the essential angle of Goodwill, and peace with God through submission to the Divine can.
The Islamic construct of Peace isn't, however, utopian, For, Islam could be a sensible faith par excellence –a faith of Struggle (Jihad) --- and doesn't, therefore, inflict any course of action that is unnatural or infeasible. Thus, as an example, in peacekeeping, though essentially committed to the promotion of Peace and Goodwill, Islam will permit the participation of Muslims in war once it becomes virtuously inevitable – once no alternative course remains open for safeguarding justice, nay, peace itself.The word "Jihad", that has been abused a lot of by the evil  misrepresenters of Islam in reference to the wars of Islamic history, suggests that "struggle" and, in line with Islam, it's of 2 kinds: (1) Struggle for subjugating one’s lower self to the upper self. this can be the upper variety of "Jihad" and its perform is solely spiritual: (2) Struggle for defeating the forces of evil on the collective plane. this can be the collective Jihad.The collective Jihad could, again, be either of a peaceful character, namely, propagation of Islam and its institution within the collective lifetime of the individuals through preaching and reform, or it should be within the variety of war against associate aggressor.
The Islamic permission of war is largely for defensive functions. And not solely will Islam rule out all immoral impulses to war however it conjointly lays down a rigid ethics that in its magnanimousness and manhood surpasses all alternative ethics of war that humanity has ever celebrated.
Says O. Houdas: " … The Qur’an states: ‘And fight for the reason for God against people who fight against you; however commit not the injustice of assaultive them first; verily God loveth not the unjust’ – S.II 190…… Jihad had to be waged to defend Islam against aggression… Once the war was terminated, the Muslims invariably displayed a good tolerance towards the conquered peoples, effort them their legislation and spiritual beliefs." (La Grande cyclopaedia, Tome 20,p. 1006)."In their wars of conquest," says E. Alexander Powell, "the Muslims exhibited a degree of toleration that place several Christian nations to shame." (The Struggle for Power in Moslem Asia, p. 48).
As regards strong-arm proselytisation, it's been expressly prohibited by Islam with the Qur’anic declaration: "there isn't any compulsion in matters of faith", and also the information that Muslims went out into the planet with the weapon system in one hand and also the Qur’an within the alternative to convert the non-Muslims forcibly could be a pure fabrication. Indeed, it's therefore totally idle that even associate enemy of Islam like Rev. Dr. O’Leary had to admit:"History makes it clear that the legend of fanatic Muslims sweeping through the planet and forcing Islam at the purpose of weapon system upon conquered races, is one in every of the foremost absurd myths that the historians have ever repeated". (Islam at the Croos-Roads, page 8).
Islam inculcates the love of God’s creation normally and of the human family, specially. "The better of you is he World Health Organization is best to God’s family (i.e., humanity)," says the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (God bless him!) Islam regards humanity as ‘one Fraternity within that it affirms the existence of the "Islamic Brotherhood", whereby all distinctions of caste and tribe, race and color, language and territory ar outmoded and obliterate, and that has been assigned the perform of acting because the servant of, and also the torch-bearer of cognitive factor for, the larger Human Brotherhood.Side by aspect with the code of conduct meant to be ascertained at intervals the circle of Islamic Brotherhood Islam conjointly offers a certain code of Human Love that relates to the dealings of Muslims with the larger human society.
"The brotherhood of Muhammadanism," says Dr. Leither, "is no mere word. All believers ar equal and their own high-priest." (Muhammadanism. P.18).
The Dutch specialiser Snouck Hurgronje observes: "The ideal of a League of Human Races has been approached by Islam additional nearly than by {any alternative|the other} ideology; for the League of states supported on Hazrat Muhammad’s faith takes the principle of the equality of all civilization therefore seriously on place other communities to shame." (Muslim World Today).
(S) faith OF non secular DEMOCRAY
In the sphere of worship, Islam stands for the institution of direct relation between God and creature while not the mediation of any priest. each Muslim man and girl is, therefore, his or her own priest or priest.
It is wrong to take the students (Ulama) or the leaders (Imams) of congregational prayers within the mosques as clergymen. Any sensible Muslim World Health Organization is aware of Islam will lead the prayers, whereas the ‘Ulama’ ar merely students and specialists of Islamic data and simply fulfil a responsibility that rests on the shoulders of the complete Islamic Brotherhood. For, Islam desires each Muslim man and girl to be a scholar of its teachings, unlike, as an example, Hinduism, wherever those happiness to the caste of Brahmins alone possess this privilege.Rev.W.Wilson money, the notable Christian missionary and hostile critic of Islam, had to confess: "Islam invested its individuals with a dignity peculiarly its own… Direct access to God makes one in every of the robust appeals of Islam" (The enlargement of Islam p. 177).
Problem of Slavery
By accenting freedom because the birthright of all mortals, by proclaiming human equality while not distinctions of caste, color or climate, by denying the sin-innate theory and every one alternative theories of the evil origin of man by affirming that the offspring of Adam is that the noblest creation of God, by raising humanity to the standing of the Vicegerency of God on earth, by creating imitation of the Divine Attributes the moral ideal of man, and by remarking the conquest of the universe because the human destiny, Islam has established human dignity on the loftiest pinnacle conceivable.
Humanity was suffering in varied ways that due to the incorrect notions command by pre-Islamic cultures and religions regarding human dignity, once Islam appeared. Cruelty was being perpetrated within the name of caste, tribe and race, giant plenty of humanity had been reduced to the standing of serfs, and slavery, that had been associate old establishment, was being practiced by varied races and peoples of Europe and Asia, as well as the Arabs, with the sanction of such scriptures because the Bible and while not the smallest amount ethical sorrow. Islam raised its masculine voice of protest against all those evils and gave to the planet a philosophy and a legislation that has created it the saviour of the downtrodden and also the laden for all time.
Among the various misconceptions unfold regarding Islam by its enemies, one is that that relates to slavery. For a correct appreciation of the role of Islam within the conclusion of slavery, the reader is noted this writer’s "Islam and Slavery." Here, during this transient booklet, we'd  confine ourselves to the transient statement of a fair  non-Muslim scholar of the last century, World Health Organization said: "His (i.e., Hazrat Muhammad’s) law of slavery is, ‘If slaves return to you, you shall’ --- not imprison and so sell by public sale, although no applicant seems, as within the nineteenth century is that the law of Christian England in her provinces, but, --- ‘redeem them, and it's tabu to you to send them forth’ (Qur’an II, p.85). And this was a person standing up within the wilds of peninsula within the seventh century." (Westminster Review no. IX, p. 221).Even the hostile and biased Dutch critic of Islam, Prof. Snouck Hurgronje, had to say: "According to the Muhammadan principle, slavery is an establishment destined to disappear."
Problem of spousal relationship
The Islamic read of the elemental equality of sexes has been already explicit  within the section on "Religion of Unity" associated an impartial historical appreciation of the matter proves on the far side all doubt that it absolutely was "Islam that removed the bondage during which girls were command from the terribly dawn of human history and gave them a social standing and legal rights like weren't granted them in England until several centuries later." (Lady Evelyn Cobbold, in "Pilgrimage to Mecca"). however the widespread information of the enemies of Islam in reference to spousal relationship necessitates a particular statement therein affiliation.
In the 1st instance, spousal relationship wasn't fancied by Islam, nor was it created in any means obligatory. It had existed in pre-Islamic societies since past with the sanction of faith and had been practiced even by people who were accepted as holy personages as as an example, we discover within the will. There it absolutely was ruled by no law any, then conjointly it absolutely was within the Arabian society at the arrival of Islam. What Islam did was to manage it and to subject it to such severe restrictions on build it preventative except in cases of emergency. Indeed, union has been the best associated spousal relationship solely an exception in Muslim Society. This reality is totally borne out by this additionally because the past history of the Muslims and has been admitted by all fair  critics of Islam. as an example, William Kelly Wright says: "Most Mohammedans all told ages have had only 1 mate." (Philosophy of faith, New York, 1935).
Islam could be a natural faith and it takes a awfully serious read of sexual vices and social ills. Consequently, it absolutely was terribly natural for Islam to allow restricted and restricted spousal relationship for the upkeep of social health all told those things wherever it's the sole natural remedy. For instance, once war alters the natural sex quantitative relation, giving to girls preponderance over men, there ar solely 2 alternatives, namely, widespread vice crime or spousal relationship. Islam prefers the latter to the previous within the interests of ethical health and social eudaemonia of womanhood. Similarly, if the primary mate is sterile or suffers from any incurable sickness, there ar solely 2 doable alternatives, namely, either the primary mate ought to be unmarried  and a contemporary mate taken or she could continue in her standing undisturbed beside a second mate. the previous course would mean distressing, marital status for the primary mate whereas the latter course would supply to her associate honourable traditional life while not temptation to evil. spousal relationship may become a necessity during a medically incurable case of the hypersexed male World Health Organization, in most cases, would look to quite one girl for the satisfaction of his biological would like. all told such cases, the Islamic permission of spousal relationship with all its responsibilities and restrictions would be a positively healthier course than the insincere adherence to the formal union.
Polyandry (i.e., the wedding of 1 girl with many husbands) isn't permissible in Islam as a result of psychologically it's unsound, sociologically it's infeasible and biologically it's most dangerous for the physical health of the persons involved. sure primitive tribes World Health Organization follow polygamy ar infected with the plague of genital diseases.
Speaking on spousal relationship, Dr. Annie Besant says: "There is counterfeit  union within the West, however there's extremely spousal relationship while not responsibility; the ‘mistress’ is do away with once the person is weary of her and sinks step by step to be the ‘woman of the street’, for the primary lover has no responsibility for her future, and he or she could be a hundred times worse off than the secure mate and mother within the polygamous home. once we see thousands of miserable girls World Health Organization crowed the streets of Western cities throughout the night, we have a tendency to should certainly feel that it doesn't consist western mouth to reproach Islam for spousal relationship. it's higher for a lady, happier for a lady, additional respectable for a lady, to measure in spousal relationship, united to 1 man solely, with the legitimate kid in her arms, and enclosed with respect, than to be seduced, forged out into the streets, maybe with associate progeny outside the pale of law, unsheltered and uncared for, to become the victim of any passer-by, night once night, rendered incapable of kinship, hated of all."Another critic of Western social order observes: "The law of the state, based mostly upon the dogma of the Church, that makes it a criminal offence for a person to marry quite one mate, by that very same provision makes it bootleg for a lot of girls to possess husbands or up-to-date children…It is untrue that union was advocated by Israelite Christ… whether or not the question is taken into account socially, ethically or religiously, it may be incontestible that spousal relationship isn't contrary to the very best standards of civilisation ….. The suggestion offers a sensible remedy for the western downside of the needy and unwanted female: the choice is sustained and augmented vice crime, living together and distressing spinsterhood" (J.E. Clare McFarlane: Case for Polygamy).
(V) faith OF SALVATION during this LIFE and also the HEREAFTER
It is the distinctive benefit of Islam that it doesn't concern itself simply with Salvation on the far side the grave—salvation within the Hereafter, however conjointly offers full thought to --- in reality, ensures --- human salvation during this life. For that purpose, it provides comprehensive steerage that guarantees ethical perfection, social progress, economic justice and political health – briefly, all that's required for the sensible realisation and attainment of true human happiness in terrene life and well-rounded harmonious evolution of humanity.Laura Veccia Vaglieri says: "A faith that isn't content with being a theory custom-made to the aspirations of our attribute, nor with fixing a code of elegant precepts which can or might not be applied, however that conjointly provides a code of life, establishes the elemental principles of our morality on a scientific and positive base, exactly formulates the duties of man towards himself and towards others by suggests that of rules that ar capable of evolution and compatible with the widest intellectual develo-pment, and which provides its laws a Divine sanction, certainly deserves our most profound admiration, as its influence is continual and healthful on man." (Apologie American state L’ Islamisme, p. 88).
There ar 3 elementary deserves of the Holy Qur’an, the Scripture of Islam, during which it stands distinctive among the scriptures of the planet. They are: (1) credibility of its text: (2) perfection of its literary form; (3) rational character, comprehensiveness and profoundness of its steerage. Even a quick discussion of those deserves isn't doable within the gift introductory sketch. They are, however, therefore well-established that even the non-Muslim western students, World Health Organization ar invariably able to attack Islam on the slightest pretext had to admit them in forceful words.Commenting on the sweetness of variety of the Holy Qur’an Paul Casanova remarks: "Whenever Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was asked a miracle as an indication of the credibility of his mission, he quoted the composition of the Qur’an and its unrivalled excellence as an indication of its Divine origin. And, in fact, even for people who ar non-Muslims nothing is additional marvelous than its language with such a prehensile plentifulness and a grasping ringing that its easy audition ravished with admiration those primitive peoples therefore keen on eloquence! The ampleness of its syllables with a grandiose cadence and with a motivating giant rhythm are of a lot of moment within the conversion of the foremost hostile and also the most doubter." (L’ Enseignement American state I’Arabe au faculty American state France, Lecon d’ouverture, April 26, 1909).As regards perfection in matter of steerage and also the credibility of its text, Laura Veccia Vaglieri observes: "But besides the perfection of kind and methodology, the Book is additionally unconcealed irreproducible by its terribly substance, for, we have a tendency to browse in it, among alternative things, previsions or future events and of relations of reality accomplished since several centuries or that ar usually unnoticed, and allusions to the foremost totally different sciences, non secular or profane. On the complete we discover in it a set of knowledge which might be adopted by the foremost intelligent of men, the best of philosophers and also the most skillful politicians….. however there's another proof of the Divinity of the Qur’an: it's the very fact that it's been preserved intact through the ages since the time of its Revelation until this day. then it'll invariably stay, with God’s can, as long because the universe exists. browse and re-read through out the Muslim world, this book doesn't rouse within the trustworthy any weariness; it rather, through repetition, is found feeling of awe and respect within the one World Health Organization reads it or listens to that." (Apologie American state L’Islamisme, pp.57-59).
(X) faith WITH the only CREED
The Islamic creed is as easy because the Islamic ideology is profound. Its 1st fundaments are:
(1) SEVEN ARTICLES of religion
They are: Belief in:
Divine Scriptures;
Messengers of Allah;
the Hereafter;
the pre-measurement of excellent and Evil;
Resurrection once death.
They are:
Declaration of religion within the One-ness of God and within the Divine Messengership of Hazrat Muhammad: (Peace be upon him) La ilaha Illallah Muhammadur-Rasulullah;
Obligatory Prayers;
Obligatory Fasts;
Zakat or Poor-tax;
Pilgrimage to Ka’aba at Meccaa by people who possess the suggests that.A Christian critic of Islam makes the subsequent confession: "Islam had the ability of peacefully conquest the souls by the simplicity of its theology, the clearness of its dogma and principles, and also the definite variety of practices that it demands. In distinction to Christianity that has been undergoing continuous transformation since its origin, Islam has remained identical with itself" (Jean Lheureux: opus metropolis L’Islamisme, p. 35).For associate appreciation of the Seven Articles and also the 5 Pillars, the reader is noted "The Principles of Islam" written by His Eminence Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddiqi and printed within the gift series. Here it should be noted, however, that these Seven Articles and 5 Pillars represent solely the "first fundaments", whereas the whole ideology of Islam, that shoots removed from these fundaments and that is enshrined within the Holy Qur’an and also the mantic Traditions, is therefore comprehensive on cowl the complete sweep of necessary steerage on physical, moral, social and non secular aspects of human life.
(Y) Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) the head OF HUMAN PERFECTION
A code alone cannot, by its existence intrinsically, inspire man to action. thence to like the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Allah bless him!) particularly creature and things of the planet, to believe him because the Most good Embodiment of Human Perfection and because the Absolute Leader and also the Last and also the Final Prophet (after whom no new prophet of any class, zilli, buruzi, tashri’ee, ghairtashri’ee --- shadowy or real --- is to come), and to follow him because the "Best Example", kind the necessity of Islamic Belief.This is the system of rules standing of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be with him) in Islam. As regards his bright temperament, that may need volumes even to try to to clean justice to that.
It is aforesaid that the most effective testimony is that that comes from the enemy’s camp. Here, therefore, we'd  quote some statements of the Western students of Islam.Hazrat Muhammad’s (peace be with him) figure was extremely majestic, his complexion and options were extraordinarily handsome, and "he was gifted", says the famous specialiser Lane Poole, "with mighty powers of imagination, elevation of mind, delicacy and refinement of feeling. ‘He is less important than a virgin behind her curtain", it absolutely was aforesaid of him. He was most indulgent to his inferiors, and would ne'er permit his awkward very little page to be scolded no matter he did. ‘Ten years,’ aforesaid Anas, his servant, ‘was I regarding the Prophet and he ne'er aforesaid the maximum amount as Uff to ME.’ He was terribly warm towards his family. one in every of his boys died on his breast within the smoky house of the nurse, a blacksmith’s mate. He was terribly keen on children; he would stop them within the streets and pat their very little heads. He ne'er smitten anyone in his life. The worst expression he ever created use of in oral communication was, ‘what has return to him? could his forehead be darkened with mud!’ once asked to curse somebody, he replied, ‘I haven't been sent to curse however to be a mercy to man.’ He visited the sick, followed any bier he met, accepted the invite of a slave to dinner, mended his own garments, milked the goats, and waited upon himself, relates summarily another tradition. He ne'er 1st withdrew his give of another man’s palm, and turned not before the opposite had turned.‘He was the foremost trustworthy preserver of these he protected, ‘the sweetest and most agreeable in oral communication. {those World Health Organization|those that|people who} saw him were suddenly stuffed with reverence; people who came close to him treasured him; they who represented him would say, ‘I have not seen his like either before or once.’ ‘He was of nice reserve, however once he spoke it absolutely was with stress and deliberation and nobody may forget what he aforesaid."He lived together with his views during a row of humble cottages separated from each other by palm branches cemented in conjunction with mud. He would kindle the fireplace, sweep the ground, and milk the goats himself. the limited food he had was invariably shared with people who born in to partake of it. Indeed, outside the Prophet’s house was a bench or a gallery on that were invariably found variety of poor World Health Organization lived entirely upon his generosity, and were thence referred to as ‘people of the bench’. His normal food was dates and water, or barley bread; milk and honey were luxuries of that he was fond however that he seldom allowed himself. The fare of the desert appeared most congenial to him even once he was the thereforevereign of Arabia…"There are a few things so tender and womanlike, and {withal|however|nevertheless|still|yet|all the same|even therefore|nonetheless|notwithstanding} so heroic, regarding the person that one is in peril of finding the judgement unconsciously blind  by the sensation of reverence and just about love that such a nature evokes. He who, standing alone, braved for years the emotion of his individuals, is that the same World Health Organization was ne'er the primary to withdraw his hand from another’s clasp; the beloved of youngsters World Health Organization ne'er passed a bunch of very little ones while not a smile from his howling eyes and a sort word for them, sounding all the kinder therein sweet-toned voice. The frank relationship, the noble generosity, the fearless courageousness and hope of the person, all tend to soften criticism into admiration."He was associate enthusiast therein noblest sense once enthusiasm becomes the salt of the planet, the one issue that keeps men from rot while they live. Enthusiasm is commonly used spitefully, as a result of it's articulated  to associate unworthy cause or falls upon barren ground and bears no fruit. therefore was it not with Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be with him). He was associate enthusiast once enthusiasm was the one issue required to line the planet aflame, and his enthusiasm was noble for a noble cause. He was one in every of those happy few World Health Organization have earned the supreme joy of constructing one nice truth their terribly lifespring. He was the courier of the one God, and ne'er to his life’s finish did he forget World Health Organization he was or the message that was the marrow of his being. He brought his intelligence with a dignity sprung from the consciousness of his high workplace in conjunction with a most sweet humility." (Speeches and Table-talk of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, Introduction’ XXVIII – XXX)."The essential sincerity of Hazrat Muhammad’s (Peace be with him) nature," says faculty member Nathaniel Helmut Schmidt, "cannot be questioned; and historical criticism that blinks no reality, yields nothing to trustingness, weighs each testimony, has no partisan interest, and seeks solely the trust, should acknowledge his claim to belong thereto order of Prophets World Health Organization, regardless of the nature of their psychical expertise could are, in various manners, have reproved, taught, verbalised austere and stylish thoughts, ordered down principles of nobler than they found, and devoted themselves dauntlessly to their high line of work, being overwhelmingly driven to their ministry be an influence at intervals." (The New International cyclopaedia. Vol. XVI, p. 72).Speaking of the wonderful success that attended the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad’s (Peace be with him) mission, Caryle observes: "To the Arab nation Islam was a birth from darkness into light; peninsula 1st became alive by suggests that of it. A poor, shepherd individuals, roaming unmarked in its deserts since the creation of the world; a Hero-Prophet was sent all the way down to them with a word they might believe: see the unmarked becomes world-notable, the tiny has grownup worldgreat. at intervals one century later on peninsula is at metropolis on this hand, at metropolis on it, glancing in valuour and splendour and also the lightweight of genius, peninsula shines through long ages over a good section of the planet. These Arabs, the person Hazrat Muhammad, (Peace be with him) which one century --- is it not as if a spark had fallen, one spark on what appeared black, unnoticeable sand? however lo ! the sand proves explosive powder, blazes heaven-high from metropolis to Granada!" (Heroes and Hero-Worship: Chappter on "Hero as Prophet").O. Houdas, the French scholar, aforesaid 0.5 a century agone regarding the inner vitality of the Holy Prophet’s Message: "Never includes a faith developed with parallel quickness. In but 0.5 a century Islam unfold from the banks of the Indus to the shores of the Atlantic, and, if this movement caught up, it still persists once fourteen centuries of existence. once having penetrated in Bharat, in China and Asian country, Islam continues its invasive march within the African Continent which is able to soon become entirely Muslim. while not special missionaries and while not resort to the force of arms, the faith of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be with him) has reborn the Black Continent, and it's not while not some feeling to show the existence in England and America of Pieris rapae communities which….. have adopted the Islamic doctrines and created efforts to propagate them. This invasion of Europe, hardly visible nowadays, can certainly grow." (La Grande Encyclopaedie, Tome 20, article: Islamisme).
(Z) ABSORPTION within the LOVE OF GOD the ultimate GOAL
Cultivation of and absorption within the love of God, and also the permeation of the guts with the sweet ecstasy of that love, till someone becomes nearly incapable of acting against the Divine Commands, is that the final goal, that bestows upon a Muslim "Abiding Life" --- a lifetime of Peace, Progress and Perfection.


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