Tuesday 31 March 2015

Top 10 Richest People In The World 2015

Top 10 Richest People In The World 2015:

10. Alice Watson

She is daughter of Sam Walton. She lives in US and has got a huge share in the popular WalMart Fortune. This rich lady is also acting as chairman of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. She is an art lover and also a philanthropic. She has donated many of the collections that she has to public. She is also a lady who is actively participating in politics. She has got interest towards republicans. She has got the net worth of about 34.9 billion dollars.

9. Jim Walton

He is the youngest of the sons of Sam Walton. He also lives in US and has got the wealth due to the ownership that he has got on Arvest bank Group which is a family business. He has also got good amount of share in the WalMart stores. This retail store has increased their fortune by about 3 billion dollars. The Walmart is the global retailer and is popular all over the world. They have got great collection of good that makes them highly popular everywhere. He has got the worth of 37.2 billion dollars.

8. Christy Walton & Family

She is again a member of Sam Walton̢۪s family. She is the widow of one of the sons of Sam Walton. She is also based in US. She inherited the fortune from her husband John Walton. Her husband was a Vietnam war medic and also Green Beret. She inherited the wealth from her husband in the year of 2005. Even when she is a widow she has managed very well to maintain the wealth and has gained the position of being in the top ten lists of the rich people in the world. She is about 38.5 billion dollars worth.

7. David Koch

David Koch is the individual who resides in New York. He is the one who acts as Executive vice president of Koch industries which is a popular establishment. He is professionally chemical engineer but he is now mostly involved with the business activities. He also participates actively in charity ventures and also political events. He is the donor at American museum of natural history and also Lincoln Center.

6. Charles Koch

Charles is CEO if Koch industries. He is the one who lives in Wichita of US. Charles shares the control of Koch industry along with David Koch who is his younger brother. There are many other sources that contribute to his wealth that include PetroLogistics as well as Flint Group. He is worth about 37.9 billion dollars.

5. Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison is the individual who acts as CEO of the popular product based company Oracle. Oracle is popular all over the world for the database and also computing application based products. Along with having the position of CEO of oracle he also have got huge amount of shares in various popular companies that include sales force, Astex pharmaceuticals, quark biotechnology as well as netsuite. He is popular for philanthropic nature of his.

4. Amancio Ortega

It was really hard to believe that this Spanish individual has become the 4th richest man of the world. Inditex fashion group is the establishment that he has made. He is acting as executive chairman of this establishment. He also has owners Zara clothing & accessories. He is the most hardworking fashion retailers that you can find in the world. He is really a great and also inspiring personality who made his fortune through his hardwork and the sincerity that he has through this niche. He really has the worth of about 56 billion dollars.

3 Carlos Sim Helu and Family

Carlos is the one who is Mexican by origin. He is an individual who got the aid of the business world for making his awesome and also amazing fortune. He has really gained a lot through business. He has got shares in businesses that are there in various niches which include retail technology, communication and also finance. He is the CEO of Telmex and also Chairman of America Movil Company. He is also philanthropic in nature and also owns charity organization which deals with various issues that are associated with medical care, illiteracy as well as poverty. He has made the position in top list of rich people due to his great efforts.

2. Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is the individual who acts as CEO of Berkshire Hathway. He is the one who acts as CEO. He is the one who is much popular for the wits that comes to the investment as well as financial areas. Even when he is wealthy he is a having a great and philanthropic nature He has even vowed of giving about 99 percentage of his wealth. This person is really humble and considers the people around him who are needy and lend helping hand.

1. Bill Gates

The way through which Bill gate gained wealth is something that has gone through much amount of controversy. History has indicated that he is the dropout of Harvard University and has really struggles a lot to become rich. He is one among the founders of Microsoft Corporation. This is one among the popular IT Company. He got the vision of seeing minimum of one computer in all homes across globe. Melinda is the wide of Bill gates. They both are so much into charity world. The charity foundation that they have established is the way through which about 50 percentage of the earnings he has made are given to poor.


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