Tuesday, 24 March 2015

List of Emoticons for Facebook

List of Emoticons for Facebook:

Here is that the complete list of all Facebook emoticons. As you'll see, we've got many nice emoticons to settle on from. You’ll notice an unbelievable choice of acquainted emoticon faces and their codes in conjunction with an enormous range of recent Emoji emoticons that also are common. Now you'll simply categorical yourself to your friends after you square measure happy, sad, in love, cranky, or experiencing almost the other feeling whereas decorating your Facebook standing and comments victimisation our Facebook emoticons list. simply select emoticons that best fit your mood. To use our superb ‘Emoji’ icons, all you've got to try and do is copy and paste a logo code below the emoticon’s image. Don’t worry if you see the code as AN empty square; it'll still convert to the facial gesture once you post it on Facebook.

Emoticon Shortcut code Notes

Shark(^^^)Shark with sharp teeth out.
Penguin<(")Penguin looking to the left.
Robot:|]Robot face
Happy:)A happy smiley face.
Sad:(A sad and frowning smiley...
Tongue:PSticking tongue out.
Grin:DA big grin and laughing.
Shocked:OShocked and surprised.
NerdB)Nerdy smiley with glasses.
CoolB|Cool smiley wearing...
Upset>:(Upset and angry.
Unsure:/Unsure or doubtful emoticon.
Crying:'(Crying emoticon with tears.
Devil3:)Laughing devil emoticon.
AngelO:)A blushing angel with a halo.
Kiss:*Girl sending a kiss and a..
Heart<3A red heart emoticon.
Keke^_^Kekeke happy emoticon.
Bored-_-Annoyed, sighing or bored.
Confusedo.OConfused or WTF emoticon.
Angry>:OUpset, angry or shouting...
Pacman:vA Pacman emoticon.
Cat:3Cat faced smiley.
Putnam:putnam:Christopher Putnam, a...


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